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29 September 2022 6:00pm - 7:30pm

Cities have long been perceived as spaces of little conservation relevance, yet local urban wildlife underpins the provision of a range of ecosystem services, including climate and water regulation and reduction in air pollution levels. In the face of rapid changes in climatic conditions and increased frequency and intensity of extreme natural events, urban nature recovery could be key to securing resilient cities and ensuring wildlife and people’s well-being.

How to recover nature in cities is however far from straightforward, with challenges and opportunities varying tremendously according to the approach considered and the local socio-ecological contexts. This event will discuss differences and complementarities in approaches to nature recovery in cities, looking at the suite of factors and issues that may shape their potential to increase ecosystem services delivery in urban environments. It will explore how urban nature recovery could support wildlife recovery while triggering new challenges for human-wildlife coexistence in cities. Importantly, it will compare and contrast approaches to support local management decisions, providing recommendations and guidelines that should help identify best pathways for nature recovery.


  • Dr Nathalie Pettorelli, Senior Research Fellow, Institute of Zoology, ZSL: "Rewilding cities - how does it work, and what are the challenges"
  • Dr Chris Carbone, Senior Research Fellow, Institute of Zoology, ZSL: "Rewilding Cities: London Hogwatch"
  • Joe Pecorelli, Conservation Project Manager, Marine and Freshwater, Conservation & Policy, ZSL: "Restoring urban river ecosystems - the importance of working across sectors"
  • Chaired by Dr Andrew Terry, Director of Conservation & Policy, ZSL.


  • Find out more about the speakers and their talks here.
  • Click here to read a landmark report, "Rewilding our cities", recently published by ZSL ahead of this event. 

Catch up on the event on our YouTube channel here or watch below:

Further Information

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