

  • Merry Crowson
    Capitalising on the Big Data era: establishing a multi-source monitoring framework for England's natural capital assets and flows.
  • Daisy O'Neill
    Predicting the ecological impacts of species on the move with climate change in the UK.


  • Katie Beckmann
    Wildlife health for conservation translocations: refining approaches to risk analysis and decision making through waterbird case-studies.
  • Katherine Bickerton
    Modelling the monitoring and management of cryptic threatened lizard species in Mauritius.
  • Zoe Dennehy
    Climate and speciation in the Mediterranean: a focus on Narcissus L.
  • Joshua Elves-Powell
    Themes of human-carnivore coexistence on the Korean Peninsula, with a focus on consumptive use.
  • Benjamin Evans
    Towards an automatic camera trap pipeline.
  • William Farren
    The impact of megafaunal loss and climate change on ecosystem functions in aridland ephemeral river systems.
  • Anna Jemmett
    Conservation genetics and population surveys of the critically endangered wild camel Camelus ferus in Mongolia.
  • Christopher Kerry
    Multidisciplinary approaches for the effective management of illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing in large scale Marine Protected Areas.
  • Alexandra North
    Nuanced impacts and social perceptions of a non-native newt introduction in the UK.
  • Harrison Ostridge
    Local genetic adaptation in chimpanzees.
  • Jonathan Rees
    Artificial Intelligence and Camera Trapping: Investigating computer-based approaches to accelerate camera trap data processing.
  • Vittoria Roatti
    Understanding constraints on horizontal and vertical information transmission in baboons: implications for the evolution of culture.
  • Melissa Schiele
    A multiuse water-landing fixed-wing unoccupied aerial vehicle for use in small island developing states and beyond; development, operations, and methods.
  • Jessica Turner
    Hedgehogs in Greater London: investigating fragmented populations in urban environments.
  • Jake Williams
    Not just corals and fishes: seeking indicators of ecosystem stress in coral reef microbiomes.
  • Francis Windram
    Extracting the morphometrics of nature’s physical networks: from spider webs to root systems.


  • Steven Allain
    Population dynamics, disease and other drivers in a wild snake population.
  • Lola Brookes
    Reduction and refinement of non-model amphibians used in amphibian disease testing.
  • Richard Cornford
    Model development and automated data collation for global biodiversity indicators.
  • Elise Damstra
    Using acoustic remote sensing to monitor coffee farm biodiversity.
  • Aline Da Silva Cerqueira
    Acoustic tracking of ocean wanderers: Revealing Behavioural Context on the Wing.
  • Shawn Dove
    Improving the robustness and reliability of population-based global biodiversity indicators.
  • Nicholas Dunn
    Advancing eDNA methods for monitoring sharks and rays.
  • Laura Duntsch
    Genomic insights into the adaptive potential of the hihi (Notiomystis cincta), a threatened Aotearoa New Zealand bird.
  • Charlotte Ford
    New approaches to the detection and evaluation of Ranavirus infection.
  • Kirsty Franklin
    Drivers of ocean movement patterns in Round Island petrels.
  • Phoebe Griffith
    Headstarts and setbacks: an evidence-based approach to conservation of an evolutionarily distinct and globally endangered crocodylian, the gharial.
  • Phillip Jervis
    Self medication: Using amphibian skin secretions to explain discrepancies in their response to infectious disease and predation.
  • Ashleigh Marshall
    Why do eggs fail? An investigation into hatching failure in wild and managed bird populations.
  • Louise McRae
    Towards a greater understanding of global vertebrate population trends.
  • Fay Morland
    Drivers of female reproductive failure in the hihi, Notiomystis cincta.
  • Liam Nash
    Aquatic-terrestrial linkages in tropical and temperate riparian ecosystems.
  • Danielle Norman
    Species interactions: camera traps, machine learning and habitat disturbance.
  • Theresa Robinson
    Assessing the past and future impacts of conservation management on the population biology of the endangered Mauritius Fody Foudia rubra.
  • Margaux Steyaert
    Drivers and diversity of coral reef cryptofauna communities.
  • Nina White
    Understanding the dynamics and determinants of recovery of a regionally iconic wild food resource following its near-extinction due to infectious disease.


  • Gonzalo Albaladejo Robles
    Understanding how terrestrial vertebrate life-history strategies shape responses to climatic seasonality and landscape heterogeneity.
  • Bryony Allen
    Transmission of amphibian parasites: exploring the influences of host identity and exposure scenario on key transitions in the transmission pathway.
  • Lucy Archer
    Developing a conservation evidence-base for the critically endangered Philippine pangolin (Manis culionensis) to inform conservation action in Palawan, Philippines.
  • Lauren Attfield
    Mathematical modelling of the ecological and environmental drivers of zoonotic disease with an application to Lassa fever.
  • Matilda-Jane Brindle
    Autosexual behaviour in primates: form, phylogeny and function.
  • Ella Browning 
    Improving the understanding of bat population trends in Great Britain.
  • Peter Carr 
    Exploring the benefits of a tropical, large-scale marine protected area for breeding seabirds.
  • Claire Collins 
    Human dimensions of non-compliance in a large-scale Marine Protected Area.
  • Sérgio da Silva Henriques
    Protecting the unknown: towards assessing extinction risk in megadiverse groups.
  • Rosalind Gleave
    Building a conservation evidence base for the critically endangered blue-crowned Laughingthrush Pterorhinus courtoisi.
  • Susannah Gold 
    Implications of non-lethal rabies exposure in domestic dogs and African wild dogs for disease dynamics and control.
  • Alice Haughan 
    Investigating the impact of climate change, land use change, and their interactions on forest loss in India.
  • Sean Jellesmark
    Measuring the impact of conservation on species’ populations.
  • Lizzie Jones 
    The role of shifting baseline syndrome in the management of animal populations.
  • Stephen Long 
    The sustainability of deep-sea fishing in Greenland from a benthic ecosystem perspective: the nature of habitats, impacts of trawling and the effectiveness of governance.
  • Thalassa McMurdo Hamilton 
    Making better decisions for the conservation of threatened species: science, values and New Zealand’s rarest bird.
  • Joseph Millard 
    Causes and consequences of global pollinator biodiversity change in the Anthropocene.
  • Helen Muller
    Contentious conservation: Understanding the socio-ecological impacts of trophy hunting in sub-Saharan Africa.
  • Christopher Owen
    Global genomic diversity of a major wildlife pathogen: ranavirus, past and present.
  • Henrike Schulte to Bühne
    Do climate and land use changes interact to precipitate biodiversity loss?
  • Yara Shennan-Farpón
    Restoration pathways for Brazil’s Atlantic Forest: finding co-benefits for people and biodiversity.
  • Michael Williamson
    The environmental drivers influencing the movement networks and ecology of reef sharks in the Chagos archipelago.`


  • Caitlin Andrews 
    Foraging for a foothold: causes and consequences of dietary variation in a threatened avian pollinator.
  • Paul Barnes 
    Knowledge and conservation in the Cyclops Mountains, Papua Province, Indonesia.
  • Liam Fitzpatrick 
    Mosquito ecology and the epidemiology of vector-borne avian pathogens in Galápagos.
  • Heidi Ma 
    Local perceptions of biodiversity loss and conservation: insights from rural communities around a key protected area in Hainan, China.
  • Daniel Nicholson 
    Colonisation, phenotypic change, and survival: Anolis introductions in Panama.
  • Alexandra Peñafiel-Ricaurte 
    Ecology of Ranavirus and Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis infection: assessing the roles of invasive aquatic species and seasonality.
  • Jonathan Rio 
    A revision of the evolutionary relationships of Crocodylia.
  • Rosie Williams 
    Persistent organic pollutants: assessing the threat to cetaceans.


  • Mario Alvarado-Rybak 
    Epidemiology of Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis in Chile and the role of the invasive African clawed frog (Xenopus laevis) as a vector.
  • Judith Ament 
    Human-wildlife coexistence in a changing environment.
  • Stephanie Brittain 
    Integrating local knowledge into wildlife population monitoring.
  • Deborah Fogell 
    Measuring the effects of supplementary feeding and biosecurity on the trajectory of a threatened avian population.
  • Cally Ham 
    The ecology of pathogen transmission between wildlife and livestock.
  • Samuel Jones 
    Towards a mechanistic understanding of elevational range occupation and territorial behaviour in tropical montane songbirds.
  • Alexander Knight 
    The conservation genetics of hihi (Notiomystis cincta) and epidemiology of coccidian infection.
  • Cassandra Raby 
    Understanding drivers of parasite infections in baboons: insights across multiple levels, from populations to genetics.
  • Thomas Smallwood 
    Modelling infectious disease in threatened wildlife to inform conservation management.


  • Kieran Bates 
    Drivers underpinning heterogeneity in host-pathogen systems.
  • Adam Britton 
    Assessing human impacts on Lake Tanganyika cichlid fish communities.
  • Philip Chapman 
    Prospects for mammals in Borneo's selectively-logged tropical forests: looking beyond species richness and abundance.
  • Anthony Dancer 
    On the evaluation, monitoring and management of law enforcement patrols in protected areas.
  • Guilherme Ferreira 
    Camera trapping Cerrado mammals: assessing protected area effectiveness, influence of anthropogenic pressure and the occupancy-abundance relationship.
  • Victoria Franks 
    Effects of early-life social experiences on learning and conservation in a threatened songbird.
  • Angharad Jones 
    The palaeodietary and morphometric responses of Pleistocene spotted hyaena (Crocuta crocuta Erxleben, 1777) to environmental changes in Europe.
  • Agnese Marino 
    Coexistence with large carnivores in the north west of Spain.
  • Claudia Martina Luna 
    Individual differences in cognitive abilities and task performance in wild chacma baboons (Papio ursinus).
  • Lisa Mogensen 
    Identifying key threats and conservation requirements for the Critically Endangered Yangtze finless porpoise.
  • Daniella Rabaiotti 
    The impact of climate change on a tropical carnivore: from individuals to species.
  • Rebecca Short 
    Disentangling the net: the socio-ecological dynamics of mosquito net fishing.
  • Donal Smith 
    The drivers of variation in susceptibility to the amphibian-killing fungus, Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis.
  • Fiona Spooner 
    Predicting population trends under environmental change: comparing methods against observed data.
  • Gemma Taylor 
    Improving the recovery efforts of threatened species.
  • Joseph Taylor 
    Exploring the implications of climate trends and extreme weather events for species conservation in Mauritius.


  • Lewis Campbell 
    An investigation into the impacts of an emerging viral pathogen on wild populations of U.K. common frog (Rana temporaria).
  • Charlotte Clarke
    Investigating the host-parasite dynamics of a novel amphibian dermocystid disease in an isolated population of palmate newts in the UK.
  • Sally Faulkner 
    Integrating GIS approaches with geographic profiling as a novel conservation tool.
  • Marc Fernandez Morron
  • Helen Gath 
    Conservation management of the endangered Mauritius parakeet, Psittacula echo.
  • Gianfranco Gliozzo 
    Leveraging the value of crowdsourced geographic information to detect cultural ecosystem services.
  • James Hansford 
    Diversity and extinction in Aepyornithidae.
  • Anne Hilborn 
    The effect of individual variability and larger carnivores on the functional response of cheetahs.
  • Sahil Nijhawan 
    Human-animal relations and the role of cultural norms in tiger conservation in the Idu Mishmi of Arunachal Pradesh, India.
  • Helen O'Neill 
    Making connections: conserving landscapes for wide-ranging species.


  • Dominic Bennett 
    An appraisal of the 'Living Fossil' concept.
  • Katherine Booth-Jones 
    Distribution and gene-flow in a hybridising population of Pterodroma petrels.
  • Clare Duncan 
    Mangrove forest ecosystem services: biodiversity drivers, rehabilitation, and resilience to climate change.
  • Andrew Jacobson 
    Large carnivores under threat: investigating human impacts on large carnivores in East Africa.
  • Freya Jephcott 
    Inefficient responses to unlikely outbreaks: a case study of a supposed monkey-borne virus outbreak in the Brong-Ahafo region of Ghana.
  • Natoya Jourdain 
    New analytical methods for camera trap data.
  • Gwen Maggs 
    The ecology and conservation of wild and reintroduced populations of the critically endangered Mauritius olive white-eye Zosterops chloronothos.
  • Kirsten McMillan 
    Epidemiology of the amphibian pathogen Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis, across multiple spatial scales.
  • Felix Mkonyi 
    People and predators: Understanding human-carnivore conflict in the Tarangire-Simanjiro ecosystem, northern Tanzania.
  • Elizabeth Moorcroft 
    Paws for thought: assessing the efficacy of monitoring techniques for rare and elusive species.
  • David Orchard 
    The population structure and demography of Triturus cristatus in agricultural landscapes of North-West England.
  • Leandro Patino 
    Evolution and community structure of parasites in Galápagos giant tortoises.
  • Silke Riesle Sbarbaro 
    The persistence and zoonotic emergence of viral infections in fruit bats in Ghana.
  • Andrés Valenzuela Sánchez 
    Is chytridiomycosis a threat to the Darwin’s frog (Rhinoderma darwinii)? A multi-approach disease risk assessment.
  • Juliet Wright 
    The role of livelihood interventions within complex social-ecological systems.


  • Claudia Amphlett 
    The impacts of extreme climatic events on pastoralists and predators in East African rangelands.
  • Alice Baniel 
    Conflicts over reproduction in a wild social primate, the chacma baboon (Papio ursinus).
  • Emily Bell 
    Phenotypic plasticity and the origins of castes in eusocial insects.
  • Anne-Sophie Bertrand 
    Characterization and conservation of the Iguaçu National Park, Brazil.
  • David Curnick 
    The role of marine protected areas in conserving highly mobile pelagic species.
  • Jeremy Cusack 
    From inventories to interactions: inferring mammal community patterns and processes from camera trap data.
  • David Daversa 
    Movement and parasitism in fragmented habitats.
  • Simon Dures 
    Transfrontier lion conservation: Applying genetics across time and space.
  • Ellie Dyer 
    A global study of the distribution and richness of alien bird species.
  • Ben Garrod 
    Primates of the Caribbean: using historical-era introductions of monkeys in the Lesser Antilles to understand rates of island evolution.
  • Michael Hudson 
    Conservation management of the mountain chicken frog.
  • Gita Kasthala 
    Resilience within a highland freshwater socio-ecological system: the crayfish of Lake Paniai, Papua Province, Indonesia.
  • Alexander Lee 
    The evolutionary ecology of animal information use and social dominance.
  • Sean Morrow 
    The effects of DNA damage caused by sperm cryopreservation in Xenopus.
  • Kate Richardson 
    Dispersal: the effects of phenotype and habitat selection in reintroduced populations.
  • Goncalo Rosa 
    Impact of emerging diseases on amphibian assemblages.
  • Su Shan 
    The bird trade in Taiwan: an analysis of an Eastern pathway to biological invasion.
  • Richard Suu-Ire 
    Potentially zoonotic viruses in the straw-coloured fruit bat (Eidolon helvum) in Ghana.
  • Veronica Zamora-Gutiérrez 
    Predicting the impacts of future environmental change on Mexican bats.


  • Frances Clare 
    Quantifying the impact of infection by Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis on montane populations of Alytes obstetricans.
  • Murray Collins 
    Quantifying environmental indicators and assessing performance in tropical forest management.
  • Julieta Decarre 
    Diversity and structure of bird and mammal communities in the Semiarid Chaco Region: response to agricultural practices and landscape alterations.
  • Caitlin Douglas 
    The distribution and survival of riparian trees along a dammed ephemeral river.
  • Henry Ferguson-Gow 
    The evolution of social traits and biodiversity in the ants.
  • Rosalind Kennerley 
    The ecology of Hispaniolan solenodon and Hispaniolan hutia in agricultural and native forest systems in the Dominican Republic.
  • Helen Meredith 
    Improving the impact of amphibian conservation.
  • Nadia Richman 
    Using local informant data and boat-based surveys to improve knowledge on the status of the Ganges River dolphin (Platanista gangetica gangetica).
  • Oliver Wearn 
    Mammalian community responses to a gradient of land-use intensity on the island of Borneo.
  • Emma Wombwell 
    Emerging infectious disease and the trade in amphibians.

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