
Read ZSL's position paper on what we would like to see achieved at the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD). 

The CBD is the international legal instrument for "the conservation of biological diversity, the sustainable use of its components and the fair and equitable sharing of the benefits arising out of the utilization of genetic resources".

The CBD provides an overarching framework for all biodiversity-related conventions; the post-2020 framework provides a globally agreed plan of action for the coming decade, and a touchpoint for holding governments and other actors to account.  

This year, the COP15 negotiations will focus on the establishment of a new global agreement on biodiversity protection and restoration – The Post 2020 Biodiversity Framework. For the new framework, ZSL wishes to see ambitious goals, with measurable targets that are science-based, rights-based and implemented through a whole-of-government and whole-of-society approach.  For COP15, we have a specific focus on supporting national-level implementation and providing key datasets (the LPI and RLI) to support monitoring of the new post 2020 biodiversity framework that is due to be finalised at the COP15 negotiations.

Read ZSL's CBD CoP15 position paper on the post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework:

Download our COP15 Position Statement

Two people planting mangrove trees as part of ZSL restoration project.

The key areas where ZSL would like progress to be made at COP15 are as follows:  

A nature positive mission that halts biodiversity loss: 

  • A clear, concise, nature positive mission by 2030, emphasizing the need to “halt and reverse biodiversity loss” with “benefit to people and planet”.
  • Respect and recognition for the rights, roles, and contributions of Indigenous peoples and local communities (IPLCs)
  • A whole-of-government and whole-of-society approach with commitment to action and cooperation by all levels of government and by all actors of society underpinned by a strong and active Action Agenda.
  • Ambitious and quantified goals and targets, especially for species and 30x30, that collectively achieve the mission and are integrated into national government policy, while ensuring a rights-based approach.

Implementation support: 

  • The mobilization of sufficient resources to enable effective implementation of the framework.

Adoption of evidence-based credible indicators for all targets: 

  • Adoption of evidence-based credible indicators for adequate monitoring of progress within the framework.
  • ZSL is particularly pushing for the Living Planet Index, the IUCN Red List Index, the IPBES Phylogenetic Diversity Indicator and the IUCN Green Status of Species Index to be adopted as headline indicators.
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