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Over the last few decades, hedgehogs have been in decline and are now on the red list for British Mammals. Across the UK, urban and suburban hedgehog populations are now increasingly recognised for the integral role they play in the wider conservation of the UK hedgehog population.
As an iconic British mammal, hedgehogs represent an excellent flagship species to engage and connect people to nature. This is particularly important in urban environments as wildlife in these areas are often overlooked, leading to a disconnect between people and nature. In ever-increasing human-dominated landscapes, conservation requires collaboration between many different groups and organisations. Here, connecting people is critical to connecting wildlife.
The role of citizen science can be particularly important in densely populated countries like the UK, where the substantial volume of local volunteers can provide information on a large scale. In this event, guests heard from three different conservation organisations that are working together for the recovery of UK hedgehog populations, highlighting the vital role the public contributes to this work.
- Grace Johnson, Hedgehog Officer, Hedgehog Street
- Dr Nigel Reeve, British Hedgehog Preservation Society Trustee
- Dr Chris Carbone, Senior Research Fellow, Institute of Zoology, ZSL
- Kate Scott-Gatty, London HogWatch Project Manager, Institute of Zoology, ZSL
This event was chaired by Dr Richard Yarnell, Nottingham Trent University.
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