Behavioural ecology
Wildlife diseases
Wildlife disease risk management
Conservation management
Telephone: 020 7449 6229
Institute of Zoology,
Zoological Society of London,
My research falls at the interface of conservation biology, disease ecology, and animal behaviour.
As a consequence, my work is highly inter-disciplinary and involves collaboration with a wide array of colleagues from pathologists to economists.
My doctoral research, and some of my post-doctoral work, was in behavioural ecology, and although for the last ten years my research has been concerned primarily with conservation biology and wildlife management, it is still pervaded by a strong behavioural theme.
I have a strong commitment to using science to influence both policy and conservation action. For this reason, most of the research questions that I pose are applied in nature; however several have turned out to have fundamental importance in ecology.
The conservation of wildlife that conflicts with people
Some species are rapidly extirpated in human-dominated landscapes, while others thrive. Understanding the causes of such variation not only directs conservation effort towards the the most vulnerable species, but also helps identify the form that such effort should take.
Some years ago, I showed that large mammalian carnivores’ vulnerability to extinction inside protected areas is related to their ranging behaviour: wide-ranging species tend to wander beyond park boundaries where they are frequently killed by local people, undermining the conservation effectiveness of protected areas.
Such “edge effects” threaten many species which range widely. For large carnivores, this means that protected areas are often insufficient to conserve viable populations: resolving conflicts with local people living outside parks is also essential.
Recognising this need, I have conducted research on both the ecological drivers of human-wildlife conflicts (mainly in African carnivores including wild dogs and lions), and on technical measures to resolve such conflicts.
Infectious disease in ecology and conservation
Transmission of infectious disease between wildlife and livestock represents a particularly complex form of human-wildlife conflict.
I have been extensively involved in research on the transmission of Mycobacterium bovis, the causative agent of bovine tuberculosis (TB), between badgers and cattle in the UK, having been a member of the team which designed and oversaw the Randomised Badger Culling Trial (to my knowledge the largest manipulative ecological experiment ever conducted).
Both observational and experimental evidence indicate substantial transmission of M. bovis from badgers to cattle and simple epidemiological models predict that reducing badger density by culling should reduce both badger-badger and badger-cattle transmission.
However, our research showed that culling also disrupted badgers’ social and territorial organisation, apparently increasing rather than reducing contact rates.
As a result, culling drives increases in TB prevalence in badgers, and can also prompt increased TB incidence in cattle. Additional data strongly suggest substantial transmission of M. bovis from cattle to badgers.
From a management perspective, this body of research suggests that improving TB control among cattle offers greater hope of success than does badger culling, and we advised Defra Ministers of this in 2007.
More generally, however, it highlights the importance of behaviour in patterns of disease transmission, and also challenges the traditional paradigm of a single “reservoir host” from which infection “spills over” into other host species.
These same themes apply to the dynamics of pathogens which threaten endangered host species. In African wild dogs, for example, social organisation accelerates the spread of rabies virus within packs, but greatly reduces spread between packs, influencing the expected impact of disease on free-ranging populations.
I am conducting research in the rangelands of northern Kenya to develop sustainable tools to protect wild dog populations from disease-induced extinction.
Species conservation planning
Several of the general themes of my research cut across my involvement in conservation planning for particular species.
I coordinate the African wild dog working group of the IUCN/SSC Canid Specialist Group and have been particularly active in international conservation planning for this species.
I was also involved in drafting a United States Fish & Wildlife Service recovery plan for the critically endangered California channel island fox, and a national framework for large carnivore conservation and management with the Kenya Wildlife Service.
More recently, I was part of the IUCN/SSC Task Force on Species Conservation Planning.
- 1996 - present: IUCN/SSC Canid Specialist Group. Coordinator of African Wild Dog Working Group 2004-present, and coordinator of Infectious Disease Working Group 1998-2004
- 1996 - present: IUCN/SSC Wildlife Health Specialist Group
- 2003 - present: Science Advisory Board, Defenders of Wildlife
- 2005 - present: Steering Group on conservation and management of large carnivores, Kenya Wildlife Service
- 2007 - 2008: IUCN/SSC Species Conservation Planning Task Force
- 1998 - 2007: Independent Scientific Group on Tuberculosis in Cattle, Department of Environment, Food & Rural Affairs, UK
- 2004 - 2007: Island Fox Recovery Team, U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service
- 2002 - 2006: Series Editor, Cambridge University Press Conservation Biology book series
- 1997: Advisor to Independent Scientific Review of Bovine Tuberculosis in Cattle and Badgers, Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries & Food, Great Britain.
Previous positions
- 2007: Professor of Conservation Biology, Department of Wildlife, Fish & Conservation Biology, University of California, Davis (Adjunct Professor 2007-9).
- 2001 - 2007: Assistant, then Associate Professor of Conservation Biology, Department of Wildlife, Fish & Conservation Biology, University of California, Davis.
- 1998 - 2001: Lecturer in Ecology & Epidemiology, University of Warwick.
- 1994-8: Research Fellow, Gonville & Caius College, University of Cambridge.
- 1993-4: Research Associate, Institute of Zoology, Zoological Society of London.
- Visiting Research Officer, Uganda Institute of Ecology.
Peer-reviewed Journal Articles and Book Chapters
Connolly, M. Thomas, P., Woodroffe, R. & Raphael, B.L. (in press). Single versus double-dose rabies vaccination in captive African wild dogs (Lycaon pictus). Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine.
Woodroffe, R. & Redpath, S. (2015). When the hunter becomes the hunted. Science 348: 1312-1314.
Ford, A.T., Goheen, J.R., Augustine, D.J., Kinnaird, M.F., O’Brien, T.G., Palmer, T.M., Pringle, R.M. & Woodroffe, R. (2015) Recovery of African wild dogs suppresses prey but does not trigger a trophic cascade. Ecology 96: 2705-2714.
Ford, A.T., Goheen, J.R., Otieno, T.O., Palmer, T.M., Ward, D., Woodroffe, R. & Pringle, R.M. (2014). Large carnivores make savanna tree communities less thorny. Science 346: 346-34
Woodroffe, R., Hedges, S. & Durant, S. (2014). To fence or not to fence. Science 344: 46-8.
Bielby, J., Donnelly, C.A., Pope, L.C., Burke, T & Woodroffe, R. (2014) Badger responses to small-scale culling may compromise targeted control of bovine tuberculosis. PNAS 111: 9193-9198.
Durant, S. M., S. Bashir, R. Woodroffe, T. Wacher, P. De Ornellas, C. Ransom, J. Newby, T. Abáigar, M. Abdelgadir, H. El Alqamy, J. Baillie, M. Beddiaf, F. Belbachir, A. Belbachir-Bazi, A. A. Berbash, N. E. Bemadjim, R. Beudels-Jamar, L. Boitani, C. Breitenmoser, M. Cano, P. Chardonnet, B. Collen, W. A. Cornforth, F. Cuzin, P. Gerngross, B. Haddane, M. Hadjeloum, A. Jacobson, A. Jebali, F. Lamarque, D. Mallon, K. Minkowski, S. Monfort, B. Ndoassal, B. Niagate, G. Purchase, S. Samaïla, A. K. Samna, C. Sillero-Zubiri, A. E. Soultan, M. R. Stanley Price, N. Pettorelli (2014) Fiddling in biodiversity hotspots while deserts burn? Collapse of the Sahara’s megafauna. Diversity and Distributions 20:114-122.
Godfray, H.C.J., Donnelly, C.A., Kao, R.R., Macdonald, D.W., McDonald, R.A., Petrokofsky, G., Wood, J.L.N., Woodroffe, R., Young D.B., & McLean, A.R. (2013). A restatement of the natural science evidence base relevant to the control of bovine tuberculosis in Great Britain. Proceedings of the Royal Society, Series B 280: 20131634.
Connolly, M. Thomas, P., Woodroffe, R. & Raphael, B.L. (2013). Comparison of oral and intramuscular recombinant canine distemper vaccination in African wild dogs (Lycaon pictus). Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 44: 882-888.
Creel, S., Becker, M.S., Durant, S.M., M'Soka, J., Matandiko, W., Dickman, A.J., Christianson, D., Droge, E., Mweetwa, T., Pettorelli, N., Rosenblatt, E., Schuette, P., Woodroffe, R., Bashir, S., Beudels-Jamar, R.C., Blake, S., Borner, M., Breitenmoser, C., Broekhuis, F., Cozzi, G., Davenport, T.R.B., Deutsch, J., Dollar, L., Dolrenry, S., Douglas-Hamilton, I., Fitzherbert, E., Foley, C., Hazzah, L., Henschel, P., Hilborn, R., Hopcraft, J.G.C., Ikanda, D., Jacobson, A., Joubert, B., Joubert, D., Kelly, M.S., Lichtenfeld, L., Mace, G.M., Milanzi, J., Mitchell, N., Msuha, M., Muir, R., Nyahongo, J., Pimm, S., Purchase, G., Schenck, C., Sillero-Zubiri, C., Sinclair, A.R.E., Songorwa, A.N., Stanley-Price, M., Tehou, C.A., Trout, C., Wall, J., Wittemyer, G. & Zimmermann, A. (2013) Conserving large populations of lions - the argument for fences has holes. Ecology Letters, 16: 1413.
Milner-Gulland, E.J., Durant, S., Woodroffe, R. & Young, R.P. (2013). Conservation efforts for terrestrial mammals. In: Encyclopaedia of Biodiversity, 2nd edition; S. Levin (Ed). San Diego: Academic Press.
McNutt, J.W. & Woodroffe, R. (2013). Lycaon pictus. In: Kingdon, J.S. & Hoffmann, M. (Eds). The Mammals of Africa Vol 5. Carnivora, Pholidota, Perissodactyla. In: Kingdon, J., Butynski, T. and Happold, D. (Eds). The Mammals of Africa Vols 1-6. Academic Press, Amsterdam.
Prager K.C., Mazet J.K., Dubovi E.J., Frank L.G., Munson L., Rupprecht C.E., Wagner A. & Woodroffe R. (2012). Rabies and canine distemper virus in wild and domestic carnivores in northern Kenya: Are domestic dogs the reservoir? EcoHealth 9: 483-498.
Woodroffe, R., Prager, K.C., Munson, L., Conrad, P.A., Dubovi, E.J. & Mazet, J.A.K. (2012). Contact with domestic dogs increases pathogen exposure in endangered African wild dogs (Lycaon pictus). PLoS ONE 7: e30099.
Marsden, C.D., Wayne, R.K., Woodroffe, R., Mills, M.G.L., McNutt, J.W., Creel, S., Groom, R., Masenga, E., Cleaveland, S., Kat, P., Rasmussen, G.S.A., Ginsberg, J., Lines, R., André, J-M., Begg, C. & Mable, B.K. (2012). Demographic processes determine patterns of genetic diversity across populations of the endangered African wild dog (Lycaon pictus). Molecular Ecology 21: 1379-1393.
Prager, K.C., Mazet, J.A.K., Munson, L., Dubovi, E.J., Szykman Gunther, M., Davies-Mostert, H.T., McNutt, J.W., Rasmussen, G., Terio, K., Cleaveland, S., Mills, M.G.L., Donnelly, C.A. & Woodroffe, R. (2012). The effect of protected areas on pathogen exposure in endangered African wild dog (Lycaon pictus) populations. Biological Conservation 150: 15-22.
Ewen, J.G., Acevedo-Whitehouse, K., Alley, M., Carraro, C., Sainsbury, A., Swinnerton, K. & Woodroffe, R. (2012). Empirical consideration of parasites and health in reintroduction. In: Reintroduction Biology: Integrating Science and Management. J.G. Ewen, D.P. Armstrong, K.A. Parker & P.J. Seddon (Eds). London: Wiley-Blackwell.
Woodroffe, R. & Donnelly, C.A. (2011). Risk of contact between endangered African wild dogs Lycaon pictus and domestic dogs: opportunities for pathogen transmission. Journal of Applied Ecology 48:1345-1354.
Woodroffe, R. (2011). Demography of a recovering African wild dog (Lycaon pictus) population. Journal of Mammalogy 92: 305-315.
Didier, K.A., Cotterill, A., Douglas-Hamilton, I., Frank, L., Georgiadis N.J., Graham, M., Ihwagi, F., King, J., Malleret-King, D., Rubenstein, D., Wilkie, D., and Woodroffe, R. (2011) Landscape-scale conservation planning of the Ewaso Nyiro: a model for land use planning in Kenya? Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology 632: 105-123.
Prager, K.C., Woodroffe, R., Cameron, A. & Haydon, D. T. (2011). Vaccination strategies to conserve the endangered African wild dog (Lycaon pictus). Biological Conservation 144:1940-1948.
Johnston, W. T., Vial, F., Gettinby, G., Bourne, F. J., Clifton-Hadley, R. S., Cox, D. R., Crea, P., Donnelly, C. A., Mawdsley, J., McInerney, J. P., Mitchell, A. P., Morrison, W. I. & Woodroffe, R. (2011) Herd-level risk factors of bovine tuberculosis in England and Wales after the 2001 foot-and-mouth disease epidemic. International Journal of Infectious Disease, 15: 833-840.
Romañach, S.S., Lindsey, P.A., & Woodroffe, R. (2011). Attitudes toward predators and options for their conservation in the Ewaso ecosystem. Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology 632: 85-93.
Woodroffe, R. (2010). Ranging behaviour of African wild dog packs in a human-dominated landscape. Journal of Zoology 283: 88-97.
Jenkins, H.E., Woodroffe, R. & Donnelly, C.A. (2010). The duration of the effects of repeated widespread badger culling on cattle tuberculosis following the cessation of culling. PLOS One 5: e9090.
Wright, H. W. Y., Gray, M. M., Wayne, R. K. & Woodroffe, R. (2010) Mating tactics and paternity in a socially monogamous canid, the bat-eared fox (Otocyon megalotis). Journal of Mammalogy, 91: 437-446.
Woodroffe, R., Donnelly, C.A., Wei, G., Cox, D.R., Bourne, F.J., Burke, T., Butlin, R.K., Cheeseman, C.L., Gettinby, G., Gilks, P., Hedges, S., Jenkins, H.E., Johnston, W.T., McInerney, J.P., Morrison, W.I., & Pope, L.C. (2009). Social group size affects Mycobacterium bovis infection in European badgers (Meles meles). Journal of Animal Ecology 78: 818-827.
Woodroffe, R., Donnelly, C.A., Cox, D.R., Gilks, P., Jenkins, H.E., Johnston, W.T., Le Fevre, A.M., Bourne, F.J., Cheeseman, C.L., Clifton-Hadley, R.S., Gettinby, G., Hewinson R.G., McInerney, J.P., Mitchell, A.P., Morrison, W.I. & Watkins, G.H. (2009). Bovine tuberculosis in cattle and badgers in localized culling areas. Journal of Wildlife Diseases 45: 128-143.
Woodroffe, R., Chapman, K. & Lemusana, E. (2009). Solitary breeding in an African wild dog. African Journal of Ecology 47: 790-791.
Swarts, H.M., Crooks, K.R., Willits, N. & Woodroffe, R. (2009). Possible contemporary evolution in an endangered species, the Santa Cruz Island fox. Animal Conservation 12: 120-127.
Didier, K. A., Wilkie, D., Douglas-Hamilton, I., Frank, L., Georgiadis, N., Graham, M., Ihwagi, F., King, A., Cotterill, A., Rubenstein, D. & Woodroffe, R. (2009) Conservation planning on a budget: a "resource light" method for mapping priorities at a landscape scale? Biodiversity and Conservation, 18: 1979-2000.
Marsden, C. D., Mable, B. K., Woodroffe, R., Rasmussen, G. S. A., Cleaveland, S., McNutt, J. W., Emmanuel, M., Thomas, R. & Kennedy, L. J. (2009) Highly endangered African wild dogs (Lycaon pictus) lack variation at the Major Histocompatibility Complex. Journal of Heredity, 100: S54-S65.
Carter, S.P., Roy, S.S., Cowan, D.P., Massei, G., Smith, G.C., Ji, W., Rossi, S., Woodroffe, R., Wilson, G.J. & Delahay, R.J. (2009). Options for the control of disease 2: targeting hosts. In: Delahay, R.J., Hutchings, M.R. & Smith, G.C. (eds). Management of disease in wild mammals. London: Springer
Woodroffe, R., Gilks, P., Johnston, W.T., Le Fevre, A.M., Cox, D.R., Donnelly, C.A., Bourne, F.J., Cheeseman, C.L., Gettinby, G., McInerney, J.P. & Morrison, W.I. (2008). Effects of culling on badger abundance: implications for tuberculosis control. Journal of Zoology 274: 28-37.
Jenkins, H.E., Woodroffe, R. & Donnelly, C.A. (2008). The effects of annual widespread badger culls on cattle tuberculosis following the cessation of culling. International Journal of Infectious Diseases 12: 457-465.
Jenkins, H.E., Morrison, W.I., Cox, D.R., Donnelly, C.A., Johnston, W.T., Bourne, F.J., Clifton-Hadley, R.S., Gettinby, G., McInerney, J.P., Watkins, G.H. & Woodroffe, R., (2008). The prevalence, distribution and severity of pathological lesions in badgers naturally infected with Mycobacterium bovis. Epidemiology and Infection 136: 1350-1361.
Sutherland, W. J., Bailey, M. J., Bainbridge, I. P., Brereton, T., Dick, J. T. A., Drewitt, J., Dulvy, N. K., Dusic, N. R., Freckleton, R. P., Gaston, K. J., Gilder, P. M., Green, R. E., Heathwaite, L., Johnson, S. M., Macdonald, D. W., Mitchell, R., Osborn, D., Owen, R. P., Pretty, J., Prior, S. V., Prosser, H., Pullin, A. S., Rose, P., Stott, A., Tew, T., Thomas, C. D., Thompson, D. B. A., Vickery, J. A., Walker, M., Walmsley, C., Warrington, S., Watkinson, A. R., Williams, R. J., Woodroffe, R. & Woodroof, H. J. (2008). Future novel threats and opportunities facing UK biodiversity identified by horizon scanning. Journal of Applied Ecology 45: 821-833.
Member of editorial team for: IUCN/SSC (2008). Strategic planning for species conservation: a handbook. Version 1.0. Gland: IUCN/SSC. Including the following peer-reviewed chapters:
- Woodroffe, R., Hedges, S., Mallon, D., Miller, P., Lacy, R., McGowan, P., Sillero-Zubiri, C., Dublin, H. & Garshelis, D. Objectives. pp 47-56.
- Woodroffe, R., Hedges, S., Kinnaird, M., Sillero-Zubiri, C., & Miller, P. Actions. pp 57-74.
- Woodroffe, R. & Durant, S. Using a species conservation strategy to develop national or local action plans. pp 75-79.
- Hedges, S., Dublin, H., Garshelis, D., Lacy, R., Mallon, D., Miller, P., McGowan, P., Sanderson, E., Sillero-Zubiri, C. & Woodroffe, R. A framework for strategic planning for species conservation. pp 4-10.
- Hedges, S., Emslie, R., Mallon, D., Medici, P. & Woodroffe, R. Who should be involved in developing a species conservation strategy? pp 17-20.
- Hedges, S., Sanderson, E., Woodroffe, R. & Mallon, D. Vision and goals. pp 39-46.
- Sanderson, E., Woodroffe, R., Hedges, S., Mallon, D., McGowan, P.& Garshelis, D. Status review. pp 21-38.
Woodroffe, R., Lindsey, P.A., Romañach, S.S. & ole Ranah, S.M.K. (2007). African wild dogs (Lycaon pictus) can subsist on small prey: implications for conservation. Journal of Mammalogy 88: 181-193.
Woodroffe, R., Davies-Mostert, H., Ginsberg, J., Graf, J., Leigh, K., McCreery, K., Mills, G., Pole, A., Rasmussen, G., Robbins, R., Somers, M. & Szykman, M. (2007). Rates and causes of mortality in endangered African wild dogs (Lycaon pictus): lessons for management and monitoring. Oryx 41: 1-9.
Jenkins, H.E., Woodroffe, R., Donnelly, C.A., Cox, D.R., Johnston, W.T., Bourne, F.J., Cheeseman, C.L., Clifton-Hadley, R.S., Gettinby, G., Gilks, P., Hewinson, R.G., McInerney, J.P. & Morrison, W.I. (2007). Effects of culling on spatial associations of Mycobacterium bovis infections in badgers and cattle. Journal of Applied Ecology 44: 897-908.
Clifford, D.L., Woodroffe, R., Garcelon, D.K., Timm, S.F. & Mazet, J.A.K. (2007). Using pregnancy rates and perinatal mortality to evaluate success of recovery strategies in endangered island foxes. Animal Conservation 10: 442-451.
Pope, L.C., Butlin, R.K., Wilson, G.J., Woodroffe, R., Erven, K., Conyers, C.M., Franklin, T. Delahay, R.J., Cheeseman, C.L., & Burke, T. (2007). Genetic evidence that culling increases badger movement: implications for the spread of bovine TB. Molecular Ecology 23: 4919-4929.
Donnelly, C.A., Gao Wei, Johnston, W.T., Cox, D.R., Woodroffe, R., Bourne, F.J., Cheeseman, C.L., Clifton-Hadley, R.S., Gettinby, G., Gilks, P., Jenkins, H., Le Fevre, A.M., McInerney, J.P. & Morrison, W.I. (2007). Impacts of widespread badger culling on cattle tuberculosis: concluding analyses from a large-scale field trial. International Journal of Infectious Diseases 11: 300-308.
Lindsey, P.A., Alexander, R., Mills, M.G.L., Romañach, S.S. & Woodroffe, R. (2007). Wildlife viewing preferences of visitors to protected areas in South Africa: implications for the role of ecotourism in conservation. Journal of Ecotourism 6: 19-33.
Romañach, S.S., Lindsey, P.A., Woodroffe, R. (2007). Deteriminants of attitudes towards predators in central Kenya and suggestions for increasing tolerance in livestock dominated landscapes. Oryx 41: 185-195.
Woodroffe, R., Donnelly, C.A., Jenkins, H.E., Johnston, W.T., Cox, D.R., Bourne, F.J., Cheeseman, C.L., Delahay, R.J., Clifton-Hadley, R.S., Gettinby, G., Gilks, P., Hewinson, R.G., McInerney, J.P. & Morrison, W.I. (2006). Culling and cattle controls influence tuberculosis risk for badgers. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA. 103: 14713-14717.
Woodroffe, R., Frank, L.G., Lindsey, P.A., ole Ranah, S.M.K. & Romañach, S.S., (2006). Tools for conserving large carnivores in Africa’s community rangelands: a case-control study of livestock husbandry. Biodiversity and Conservation 16: 1245-1260.
Woodroffe, R., Donnelly, C.A., Cox, D.R., Bourne, F.J., Cheeseman, C.L., Delahay, R.J., Gettinby, G., McInerney, J.P. & Morrison, W.I. (2006). Effects of culling on badger (Meles meles) spatial organization: implications for the control of bovine tuberculosis. Journal of Applied Ecology. 43: 1-10.
Donnelly, C.A., Woodroffe, R., Cox, D.R., Bourne, F.J., Cheeseman, C.L., Gao Wei, Gettinby, G., Gilks, P., Jenkins, H., Johnston, W.T., Le Fevre, A.M., McInerney, J.P. & Morrison, W.I. (2006). Positive and negative effects of widespread badger culling on cattle tuberculosis. Nature 439: 843-846.
Woodroffe, R., Thirgood, S. & Rabinowitz, A. (2005). People and wildlife: conflict or coexistence? Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Including the following refereed chapters:
- Woodroffe, R., Thirgood, S. & Rabinowitz, A. The impact of human:wildlife conflict on natural systems.
- Thirgood, S., Woodroffe, R., & Rabinowitz, A. The impact of threatened wildlife on human lives and livelihoods.
- Frank, L.G., Woodroffe, R. & Ogada, M.O. People and predators in Laikipia District, Kenya
- Woodroffe, R., Thirgood, S. & Rabinowitz, A. The future of coexistence: resolving human-wildlife conflicts in a changing world.
Woodroffe, R., Donnelly, C.A., Johnston, W.T., Bourne, F.J., Cheeseman, C.L., Clifton-Hadley, R.S., Cox, D.R., Gettinby, G., Hewinson, R.G., Le Fevre, A.M., McInerney, J.P. & Morrison, W.I. (2005). Spatial association of Mycobacterium bovis infection in cattle and badgers (Meles meles). Journal of Applied Ecology 42: 852-862
Woodroffe, R., Lindsey, P., Romanach, S.R., Stein, A. & ole Ranah, S.M.K. (2005). Livestock predation by endangered African wild dogs (Lycaon pictus) in northern Kenya. Biological Conservation 124: 225-234.
Woodroffe, R. & Frank, L.G. (2005). Lethal control of African lions (Panthera leo): local and regional population impacts. Animal Conservation 8: 91-98.
Woodroffe, R. & Ginsberg, J. R. (2005). King of the beasts? Evidence for guild redundancy among large mammalian carnivores. In: Large Carnivores and Biodiversity: Does saving one conserve the other? J. C. Ray, J. Berger, K.H. Redford & R. Steneck (eds). Island Press.
Woodroffe, R., Bourne, F.J., Cheeseman, C.L., Cox, D.R., Donnelly, C.A., Gettinby, G, McInerney, J.P., & Morrison, W.I. (2005). Welfare of badgers (Meles meles) subjected to culling: development and evaluation of a closed season. Animal Welfare 14: 19-25.
Woodroffe, R., Bourne, F.J., Cheeseman, C.L., Cox, D.R., Donnelly, C.A., Gettinby, G, McInerney, J.P., & Morrison, W.I. (2005) . Welfare of badgers (Meles meles) subjected to culling: patterns of trap-related injury. Animal Welfare 14: 11-17.
Cox, D. R., Donnelly, C. A., Bourne F. J., Gettinby G., McInerney J.P., Morrison W.I., and Woodroffe, R. (2005). Simple model for tuberculosis in cattle and badgers. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 102: 17588-17593.
Johnston, W. T., Gettinby, G., Cox, D.R., Donnelly, C.A., Bourne, J., Clifton-Hadley, R., Le Fevre, A. M., McInerney, J. P., Mitchell, A., Morrison, W. I. & Woodroffe, R. (2005) Herd-level risk factors associated with tuberculosis breakdowns among cattle herds in England before the 2001 foot-and-mouth disease epidemic. Biology Letters 1: 53-56.
Bakker, V.J., Garcelon, D.K., Aschehoug, E.T., Crooks, K.R., Newman, C., Schmidt, G.A., Van Vuren, D.H. & Woodroffe, R. (2005). Current status of the Santa Cruz Island fox (Urocyon littoralis santacruzae). In: Garcelon, D.K. & Schwemm, C.A. Proceedings of the Sixth California Islands Symposium pp 275-286. Arcata: Institute for Wildlife Studies.
Troyer, J.L., Pecon-Slattery, J., Roelke, M.E., Johnson, W., VandeWoude, S., Vazquez-Salat, N., Brown, M., Frank, L., Woodroffe, R., Winterbach, C., Winterbach, H., Hemson, G., Bush, M., Alexander, K.A., & O’Brien, S.J. (2005). Seroprevalence and genomic divergence of circulating strains of Feline Immunodeficiency Virus (FIV) among Felidae and Hyaenidae species. Journal of Virology 79: 8282-8294.
Woodroffe, R., Cleaveland, S., Courtenay, D.O., Laurenson, M.K. & Artois, M. (2004). Infectious disease in the management and conservation of wild canids. In: The Biology & Conservation of Wild Canids pp 123-142; D.W. Macdonald & C. Sillero-Zubiri (eds). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Woodroffe, R., McNutt, J.W. & Mills, M.G.L. (2004). The African wild dog. In: Wild canids: Status Survey and Conservation Action Plan pp 174-183; C. Sillero & D.W Macdonald (Eds). Gland: IUCN
Laurenson, M.K., Cleaveland S., Artois, M. & Woodroffe, R. (2004). Canids and disease. In: Wild canids: Status Survey and Conservation Action Plan pp 246-256; C. Sillero & D.W Macdonald (Eds). Gland: IUCN
Courchamp, F. Woodroffe, R & Roemer, G. (2003). Removing protected populations to save endangered species. Science 302: 1532.
Donnelly, C. A., Woodroffe, R., Cox, D.R., Bourne, J., Gettinby, G., Le Fevre, A. M., McInerney, J. P. & Morrison, W. I. (2003) Impact of localized badger culling on TB incidence in British cattle. Nature 426: 834-837.
Ogada, M.O., Woodroffe, R., Oguge, N. & Frank, L.G. (2003). Limiting depredation by African carnivores: the role of livestock husbandry. Conservation Biology 17: 1521-1530.
Frank, L.G., Simpson, D. & Woodroffe, R. (2003). Foot snares: an effective method for capturing African lions. Wildlife Society Bulletin 39: 309-314.
Woodroffe, R. (2003). Dispersal and conservation: a behavioural perspective on metapopulation persistence. In: Ethology and Conservation; M Festa-Bianchet & M. Apollonio (Eds). Island Press.
Woodroffe, R., Bourne, F.J., Donnelly, C.A., Cox, D.R., Gettinby, G., McInerney, J.P. & Morrison, W.I. (2003). Towards a sustainable policy to control TB in cattle . In: Conservation and Conflict: Mammals and Farming in Britain; Tattersall, F. & Manley, W. (Eds). London: Linnean Society.
Domingo-Roura, X., Macdonald, D.W., Roy, M.S., Marmi, J., Terradas, J., Woodroffe, R., Burke, T. & Wayne. R.K. (2003). Confirmation of low genetic diversity and multiple breeding females in a social group of Eurasian badgers from microsatellite and field data. Molecular Ecology 12: 533-539.
Gog, J., Woodroffe, R. & Swinton, J. (2002). Disease in endangered metapopulations – the importance of alternative hosts. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London – Series B, Biological Sciences 269: 671-676.
Hawkins, C.E. Dallas, J.F., Fowler, P.A, Woodroffe, R. & Racey, P.A. (2002). Transient masculinization in the fossa, Cryptoprocta ferox (Carnivora, Viverridae). Biology of Reproduction.
Cleaveland, S., Hess, G.R., Dobson, A.P., Laurenson, M.K., McCallum, H.I., Roberts, M.G. & Woodroffe, R. (2002). The role of pathogens in biological conservation. In: The Ecology of Wildlife Disease, Hudson, P.J., Rizzoli, A. Grenfell, B. & Heesterbeck, H. (Eds). pp. 139-150. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Woodroffe. R. (2001). Assessing the risks of intervention: immobilization, radio-collaring and vaccination of African wild dogs. Oryx 35: 234-244.
Harcourt, A.H., Parks, S.A. & Woodroffe, R. (2001). The human landscape as an influence on species/area relationships: Double jeopardy for small reserves? Biodiversity and Conservation 10: 1011-1026.
Woodroffe, R. (2001). Strategies for carnivore conservation: Lessons from contemporary extinctions. In: Carnivore Conservation; J.L. Gittleman, R.K. Wayne, D.W. Macdonald & S.M. Funk (Eds). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Woodroffe, R. & Macdonald, D.W. (2001). Badgers. In: The New Encyclopaedia of Mammals. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Frank, L.G. & Woodroffe, R. (2001). Behaviour of carnivores in controlled and exploited populations. In: Carnivore Conservation; J.L. Gittleman, R.K. Wayne, D.W. Macdonald & S.M. Funk (Eds). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Milner-Gulland, E.J. & Woodroffe, R. (2001). Conservation efforts for terrestrial mammals. In: Encyclopaedia of Biodiversity; S. Levin, G. Daily, R.K. Colwell, J. Lubchenco, H.A. Mooney, E-D. Schulze & D. Tilman (Eds). San Diego: Academic Press.
Woodroffe, R. (2000). Predators and people: using human densities to interpret declines of large carnivores Animal Conservation 3: 165-173.
Woodroffe, R. & Macdonald, D.W. (2000) Helpers provide no detectable benefits in the European badger (Meles meles) Journal of Zoology 250: 113-119.
Bourne, J., Donnelly, C.A., Cox, D.R., Gettinby, G., McInerney, J.P., Morrison, I. & Woodroffe, R. (2000) Bovine tuberculosis: towards a future control strategy Veterinary Record 146: 207-210.
Morrison, W.I., Bourne, F.J., Cox, D.R., Donnelly, C.A., Gettinby, G., McInerney, J.P. & Woodroffe, R. (2000) Pathogenesis and diagnosis of infections with Mycobacterium bovis in cattle Veterinary Record 146: 236-242.
Woodroffe, R. & Ginsberg, J.R. (2000). Ranging behaviour and extinction in carnivores: how behaviour affects species vulnerability. pp. 125-140 in: Behaviour & Conservation; L.M. Gosling & W.J. Sutherland (Eds). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Woodroffe, R. (1999). Managing disease threats to wild mammals. Animal Conservation 2: 185-193.
Woodroffe, R., Frost, S.D.W. & Clifton-Hadley, R. (1999). Attempts to control tuberculosis in cattle by removing infected badgers: constraints imposed by live test sensitivity. Journal of Applied Ecology 36: 494-501.
Woodroffe, R. & Ginsberg, J.R. (1999) Conserving the African wild dog, Lycaon pictus: I. Diagnosing and treating causes of decline. Oryx 33: 132-142.
Woodroffe, R. & Ginsberg, J.R. (1999) Conserving the African wild dog, Lycaon pictus: II. Is there a rôle for reintroduction? Oryx 33: 143-151.
Johnstone, R.A., Woodroffe, R., Cant, M. & Wright, J. (1999). Reproductive skew in multimember groups. American Naturalist 153: 315-331.
Macdonald, D.W., Anwar, M.A., Newman, C., Woodroffe, R. & Johnson, P.J. (1999). Inter-annual differences in the age-related prevalences of Babesia and Trypanosoma parasites of European badgers (Meles meles). Journal of Zoology 247: 65-70.
Woodroffe, R. & Ginsberg, J.R. (1998). Edge effects and the extinction of populations inside protected areas. Science 280: 2126-2128.
Krebs, J.R., Anderson, R.M., Clutton-Brock, T.H., Donelly, C.A., Frost, S., Morrison, W.I., Woodroffe, R. & Young, D. (1998). Badgers and bovine TB: conflicts between conservation and health. Science 279: 817-818.
Woodroffe, R., Macdonald, D.W. & Cheeseman, C.L. (1997). Endocrine correlates of contrasting male mating strategies in the European badger, Meles meles. Journal of Zoology 241: 291-300.
Woodroffe, R., Ginsberg, J.R. & Macdonald, D.W. (1997). The African wild dog – Status survey and conservation action plan. Gland: I.U.C.N., including refereed chapters:
- Woodroffe, R. (1997). The conservation implications of immobilizing, radio-collaring and vaccinating free-ranging wild dogs.
- Woodroffe, R. & Ginsberg, J.R. (1997). Past and future causes of wild dogs’ population decline.
- Woodroffe, R. & Ginsberg, J.R. (1997). Measures for the conservation and management of free-ranging wild dog populations.
- Woodroffe, R. & Ginsberg, J.R. (1997). The rôle of captive breeding and reintroduction in wild dog conservation.
- Fanshawe, J.H., Ginsberg, J.R., Sillero-Zubiri, C. & Woodroffe, R. (1997). The status and distribution of remaining wild dog populations.
- Ginsberg, J.R. & Woodroffe, R. (1997). Extinction risks faced by remaining wild dog populations.
Woodroffe, R. (1995). Body condition affects implantation date in the European badger, Meles meles. Journal of Zoology 236: 183-188.
Woodroffe, R. & Macdonald, D.W. (1995). Female/female competition in European Badgers, Meles meles: Effects on breeding success. Journal of Animal Ecology 64: 12-20.
Woodroffe, R., Macdonald, D.W. and da Silva, J. (1995). Dispersal and philopatry in the European badger, Meles meles. Journal of Zoology 237: 227-239.
Woodroffe, R. & Macdonald, D.W. (1995). Costs of breeding status in the European badger, Meles meles. Journal of Zoology 235: 237-245.
Woodroffe, R. & Vincent, A. (1994). Mother’s little helpers: patterns of male care in mammals. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 9: 294-297.
Woodroffe, R. (1993). Alloparental behaviour in the European Badger. Animal Behaviour 46: 413-415.
da Silva, J., Woodroffe, R. & Macdonald, D.W. (1993). Habitat, food availability and the social structure of the Eurasian Badger, Meles meles. Oecologia 95: 558-564.
Doncaster, C.P. & Woodroffe, R. (1993). Den site can determine shape and size of badger territories: implications for group-living. Oikos 66: 88-93.
Woodroffe, R. & Macdonald, D.W. (1993). Badger sociality - models of spatial grouping. Symposia of the Zoological Society of London 65: 145-169.
Woodroffe, R. & Macdonald, D.W. (1992). Badger clans: demographic groups in an antisocial species. Journal of Zoology, London. 227: 696-698.
Reports (not peer-reviewed)
Woodroffe, R., O’Neill, H.M.K. & Strebel, S. (2014). Annual report of the Kenya Rangelands Wild Dog and Cheetah Project.
IUCN/SSC (2012). Regional conservation strategy for the cheetah and African wild dog in West, Central and North Africa Gland: IUCN/SSC (part of drafting team).
Woodroffe, R. (2010). African wild dogs and African people – Conservation through coexistence. Tenth annual report of the Samburu-Laikipia Wild Dog Project.
Kenya Wildlife Service (2010) Conservation strategy for the cheetah and African wild dog in Kenya. Kenya Wildlife Service, Nairobi (leader of drafting team).
Woodroffe, R. & Lemusana, E. (2009). African wild dogs and African people – Conservation through coexistence. Ninth annual report of the Samburu-Laikipia Wild Dog Project.
IUCN/SSC (2009). Regional conservation strategy for the cheetah and African wild dog in southern Africa Gland: IUCN/SSC (part of drafting team).
IUCN/SSC (2008). Regional conservation strategy for the cheetah and African wild dog in eastern Africa Gland: IUCN/SSC (part of drafting team).
Woodroffe, R. & Chapman, K. (2008). African wild dogs and African people – Conservation through coexistence. Eighth annual report of the Samburu-Laikipia Wild Dog Project.
Woodroffe, R. & Chapman, K. (2007). African wild dogs and African people – Conservation through coexistence. Seventh annual report of the Samburu-Laikipia Wild Dog Project.
Woodroffe, R., Dloniak, S., Frank, L.G., Gakuya, F., Muruthi, P., Mwebi, O., Ogada, M. & Omondi, P. (2007). The conservation and management of large carnivores: towards a national strategy for Kenya. Nairobi: Kenya Wildlife Service.
Bourne, F.J., Cox, D.R., Donnelly, C.A., Gettinby, G., McInerney, J., Morrison, W.I. & Woodroffe, R. (2007). Bovine TB: the scientific evidence. A science base for a sustainable policy to control TB in cattle. Final Report of the Independent Scientific Group on Cattle TB. London: Defra.
Woodroffe, R. & Chapman, K. (2006). African wild dogs and African people – Conservation through coexistence. Sixth annual report of the Samburu-Laikipia Wild Dog Project.
Woodroffe, R. (2005). African wild dogs and African people – Conservation through coexistence. Fifth annual report of the Samburu-Laikipia Wild Dog Project.
Woodroffe, R., André, J.M., Andulege, B., Bercovitch, F., Carlson, A., Coppolillo, P., Davies-Mostert, H., Dickman, A., Fletcher, P., Ginsberg, J., Hofmeyr, M., Laurenson, M.K., Leigh, K., Lindsey, P.A., Lines, R. Mazet, J., McCreery, K., McNutt, J.W., Mills, M.G.L., Msuha, M., Munson, L., Parker, M.N., Pole, A., Rasmussen, G., Robbins, R., Sillero-Zubiri, C., Swarner, M.J. & Szykman, M. (2005) Tools for the conservation of the African wild dog. Do we know enough? What more do we need to know? Oxford/New York: IUCN Canid Specialist Group, Wildlife Conservation Society.
Le Fevre, A.M., Donnelly, C.A., Cox, D.R., Bourne, F.J., Gettinby, G., Johnston, W.T., McInerney, J.P., Morrison, W.I. & Woodroffe, R. (2005). The impact of localised reactive badger culling versus no culling on TB incidence in British cattle: a randomised trial. London: Defra.
Woodroffe, R., Lindsey, P.A., Romañach, S.R. & ole Ranah, S.M.K. (2004). African wild dogs and African people – Conservation through coexistence. Fourth annual report of the Samburu-Laikipia Wild Dog Project.
Bourne, F.J., Cox, D.R., Donnelly, C.A., Gettinby, G., McInerney, J., Morrison, W.I. & Woodroffe, R. (2004). An epidemiological investigation into bovine tuberculosis: towards a science-based control strategy. Fourth Report of the Independent Scientific Group on Cattle TB. London: Defra.
Woodroffe, R. (2003). African wild dogs and African people – Conservation through coexistence. Third annual report of the Samburu-Laikipia Wild Dog Project.
Bourne, F.J., Cheeseman, C.L., Colston, M.J., Donnelly, C.A., Eades, S.M., Fine, P., Grenfell, B., Hewinson, R.G., Houghton, S., Morrison, W.I., Pollock, J., Simmons, A.G., Woodroffe, R. & Young, D.B. (2003). Development of vaccines for bovine tuberculosis – towards a sustainable policy to control TB in cattle. London: Department of Environment, Food & Rural Affairs.
Woodroffe, R. (2002). African wild dogs and African people – Conservation through coexistence. Second annual report of the Samburu-Laikipia Wild Dog Project.
Woodroffe, R. (2001). African wild dogs and African people – Conservation through coexistence. First annual report of the Samburu-Laikipia Wild Dog Project.
Bourne, J., Donnelly, C., Cox, D., Gettinby, G., Morrison, I., Woodroffe, R. & McInerney, J. (2000). An epidemiological investigation into bovine tuberculosis. Third Report of the Independent Scientific Group on Cattle TB. London: Department of Environment, Food & Rural Affairs.
Bourne, J., Donnelly, C., Cox, D., Gettinby, G., Morrison, I., Woodroffe, R. & McInerney, J. (1999). Towards a sustainable policy to control TB in cattle – An epidemiological investigation. Second Report of the Independent Scientific Group on Cattle TB. London: Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries & Food.
Artois, M., Bingham, J., Cleaveland, S., Haydon, D., Laurenson, K. & Woodroffe, R. (1999). Managing disease threats to endangered African canids. Report of the Meeting of the IUCN Canid Specialist Group Sub-Committee. Nancy: Agence Française de Securité Sanitaire des Aliments.
Bourne, J., Donnelly, C., Cox, D., Gettinby, G., Morrison, I. & Woodroffe, R. (1998). Towards a sustainable policy to control TB in cattle – A scientific initiative. London: Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries & Food.
Mills, M.G.L., Ellis, S., Woodroffe, R., Maddock, A., Stander, P., Rasmussen, G., Pole, A., Fletcher, P., Bruford, M., Wildt, D., Macdonald, D.W. & Seal, U. (1998). Population and habitat viability assessment for the African wild dog (Lycaon pictus) in Southern Africa. Apple Valley, MN: I.U.C.N.
Krebs, J.R., Anderson, R., Clutton-Brock, T., Morrison, I., Young, D., Donelly, C., Frost, S. & Woodroffe, R. (1997). Bovine tuberculosis in cattle and badgers – An independent scientific review. London: H.M.S.O.
Recent public commentary and popular articles
Donnelly, C. A. & Woodroffe, R. (2015) Badger cull targets unlikely to reduce TB. Nature, 526: 640.
Woodroffe, R. (2015). Culling badgers to control cattle tuberculosis – a black and white issue?
Woodroffe, R. (2015). Badger cull didn’t kill enough badgers to be effective. The Conversation, 15 Jan 2015
Woodroffe, R. (2015). Bovine TB in the pilot badger cull zone in Gloucestershire. Veterinary Record 7 Mar 2015: 258.
Woodroffe, R. (2014). British government on the badger cull: ask scientists for help then ignore them. The Conversation, 9 Sep 2014
Woodroffe, R. (2014). Bouncing back. BBC Wildlife Nov 14: 68-73.
Woodroffe, R. (2014). Viewpoint: building trust on bovine TB. Veterinary Record 174: 254-255.
Donnelly, C. A. & Woodroffe, R. (2012) Reduce uncertainty in UK badger culling. Nature, 485: 582.
Bateson, P., Begon, M., Blackburn, T., Bourne, F.J., Sutherland, W., Burke, T.A., Cheeseman, C.L., Cleaveland, S., Clutton Brock, T.H., Dobson, A., Fisher, M., Garner, T., Harris, S., Haydon, D., Hudson, P.J., Jones, K., Keeling, M., Kock, R., Krebs J.R., Laurenson, M.K., Lawton, J., Levin, S., Mace G., Mazet, J., May, R., Medley, G., Milner-Gulland, E.J., Mollison, D., Rohani, P., Sainsbury, A., Sillero-Zubiri, C. & Woodroffe, R. (2012) Culling badgers could increase the problem of TB in cattle. The Observer, 14 Oct 2012.
Bourne, J., Donnelly, C. A., Cox, D. R., Gettinby, G., McInerney, J. P., Morrison, W. I. & Woodroffe, R. (2011) Cattle TB and culls. The Times, 13 Jul, 25.
- 2015: BBC Wildlife "Power List"
- 2014: Marsh Award for Ecology, British Ecological Society
- 2014: Cranbrook Lecture, The Mammal Society
- 2013: Tinbergen Lecture, Department of Zoology, University of Oxford
- 2012: Denver Zoo Conservation Award
- 2008: Chair’s Citation of Excellence, IUCN Species Survival Commission
- 2006 - 2011: Chancellor’s Fellow (awarded to outstanding newly-tenured faculty), University of California, Davis
- 1994 -1995: Phyllis & Eileen Gibbs Travelling Research Fellow, Newnham College, Cambridge
- 1990: Alice Horsmann Travelling Fellow, Somerville College, University of Oxford
- 1989 -1992: Senior Scholarship, Somerville College, University of Oxford
- 1989: Gibbs prize for top first-class degree in Zoology, University of Oxford