Wildlife diseases
Institute of Zoology
Zoological Society of London
Using disease surveillance to understand emergence and transmission pathways for zoonotic viruses of wild British birds.
Mariana’s research interests are dynamic, including infectious and non-infectious disease, together with the impact derived from interactions between these; ethics associated with human intervention; and fondness for native avifauna.
Her academic and professional path has involved different veterinary fields. In recent years, Mariana has worked as a veterinarian with British species in a wildlife rescue centre.
Her role is now with the VB-RADAR project, contributing towards flaviviral disease surveillance in wild birds in Great Britain.
2024-present: Wildlife veterinarian and Research Associate, Institute of Zoology
2022-present: Conservation Medicine, University of Edinburgh
2021-2024: Wildlife veterinarian, RSPCA Stapeley Grange wildlife centre
2017-2020: Official veterinarian and lead auditor, Eville & Jones
2015-2017: Research project, EPPO-IPMA
2015: Zoological medicine internship, Lisbon Oceanarium
2009-2017: Veterinary Medicine, University of Lisbon
Member: Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons
Vector-Borne Real-time Arbovirus Detection And Response (VB-RADAR)
VB-RADAR aims to take a One Health approach to enhance our understanding of mosquito-borne diseases of wild birds that may impact public health. Our collaborative network encompasses molecular scientists, disease ecologists, wildlife veterinarians, population ecologists, medical entomologists and citizen scientists.
Find out more about VB-RADAR