Sustainable Business Project Analyst
Area of work
Sustainable Business
Sustainable business management
Environmental, Social & Governance (ESG)
Corporate sustainability

Imogen's work focuses on the environmental, social and governance (ESG) risks associated with commodity supply chains in tropical forest areas, as well as supporting companies to improve the sustainability of their practices and increase the transparency of their reporting. 

'You cannot change what you do not measure.' Rigorous and accessible assessment of forest-risk commodity companies against industry best-practice standards highlights supply chain and investment risk and areas for downstream buyers and financial institutions to focus support. It also offers a framework for sustainability reporting and a bench-marking tool amongst peers.

Success would be companies integrating sustainability measures across their operations including: biodiversity monitoring and protection, GHG emission reduction, and providing evidence that all workers are paid a living wage. Actors throughout the supply should prioritise these activities and use defined criteria to hold others to account and inform investment and buying decisions.

SPOTT is a free, online platform assessing commodity producers, processors and traders on their public disclosure regarding their organisation, policies, and practices related to ESG issues. Investors, buyers and other key influencers can use SPOTT assessments to inform stakeholder engagement, manage ESG risk, and increase transparency across multiple industries.