Wildlife post-release health surveillance
Wildlife health education
Wild animal translocations are an important component of programmes which aim to conserve rare and endangered species.
Maintaining the health and welfare of translocated wild animals and recipient populations is critical to success. Wild animal parasites may pose a risk of disease during translocations and need to be carefully assessed and managed.
Working in close collaboration with conservation organisations, I carry out disease risk analysis (DRA) prior to the conservation translocation of rare and endangered species, advise on disease risk management (DRM) during translocation and conduct post-release health surveillance (PRHS) to continually monitor the health and welfare of wild animal species of conservation concern.

Together, we can achieve healthy, established and self-sustaining populations of once rare and endangered wild animal species as a consequence of successful conservation translocations.
I am currently working as Module 1 Co-leader (Conservation Biology), Module 3 Co-leader (Health and Welfare of Captive Wild Animals) on the MSc Wild Animal Biology and MSc Wild Animal Health programmes run through the Royal Veterinary College and Zoological Society of London. I have previously taught on the BVetMed, accelerated BVetMed, MSci Wild Animal Biology and PG Cert in Veterinary Education programmes run through the Royal Veterinary College and continue to work as a casual Teaching Fellow . I am also a Guest Lecturer on the BVMSci programme at the University of Surrey. I am committed to bringing science outreach and communications to wider audiences.

- Bachelor’s Degree (BSc Hons): Veterinary Conservation Medicine
- University of Liverpool Bachelor’s Degree (BVM&S): Veterinary Medicine & Surgery, University of Edinburgh
- Master’s Degree (MSc): Wild Animal Health, Royal Veterinary College
- Doctor of Philosophy (PhD): The Pathogenesis of Tasmanian Devil Facial Tumour Disease, Royal Veterinary College
- Postgraduate Certificate (PG Cert): Veterinary Education, Royal Veterinary College Fellow of the Higher Education Authority (FHEA)
- Member of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons (MRCVS)