EYFS story time education workshop

Storytime takes place on the carpet in our Learning Hub surrounded by colourful pictures of animals. The children will be invited to listen and join in as we tell a story all about animals they can see at the zoo. They will be encouraged to count the different animals we talk about and make the noises of these animals. Children build the lively story with actions, answers and songs - adults are encouraged to join in too! 

Age group:  Nursery and Reception (Foundation 1&2, Ages 3 – 5)

Duration: 20-30 minutes

Capacity: 35 pupils

Learning Space: Learning Hub

Early Years Foundation Stage Framework links:

  • Communication and Language - Listen to stories, accurately anticipate key events and respond to what they hear with relevant comments, questions and actions.
  • Understanding the world - Make observations of animals and plants, and talk about changes.

Intended learning outcomes:

  • Children will learn that water is vital for animals and plants.
  • Children will be able to identify two African animals.
  • Children will learn that water falls as rain.
  • Pupils will listen to a story and join in with appropriate noises and movements.

Preparing for this workshop

Before your visit:

  • Ask the children to consider which animals they might see at the zoo, and share what they know about these animals already (e.g. their noises, colours, what they like to eat).  Plan a route around the zoo to take in their favourite animals.

While at the Zoo:

  • There are lots of animals in the zoo that might pop up in our animal story time.  Make sure you visit some of these on your journey around the zoo.

Post-visit resources:

  • Make a list of the animals you saw at the Zoo and create your own story as a class.  Get the children to add sound effects and actions.
  • Get the children to list what food we would need to take care of the animals
  • Discuss with pupils the affect shorter rain seasons in Africa would have on the animals that live there
  • Three tiger brothers Makari Czar and Dmitri
    Online education sessions

    Digital Outreach

    We're bringing the Zoo to you, with digital learning sessions which support your classroom learning. Calling live from the Zoo, each session is designed to meet specific curriculum links that directly relate to our conservation work.

  • A group of African black-footed penguins at Whipsnade Zoo
    Empowering teachers in their classrooms and beyond

    Teacher Hub

    We support local teacher training providers with day long workshops on teaching outside of the classroom, and are beginning to develop training for more experienced staff too. 

  • Koko the chimp at Whipsnade Zoo
    Wildlife teaching resources

    Online resources

    From equipping students with the knowledge to carrying out their own animal behavioural study to animal treasure hunts, our resources will help capture the imagination of your students both in the classroom and at the Zoo. 

  • Male Asiatic lion in the grass
    Bringing learning to life

    Education workshops

    Get your students closer to nature with our learning workshops for all ages and abilities. Our interactive sessions provide an opportunity to bring learning to life by meeting animals and Zookeepers.