Our animals love the springtime, with many venturing outside for longer periods to investigate their surroundings.

Our pygmy hippo at Whipsnade Zoo, Tapon, is fond of the warmer weather and enjoyed his first munch of fresh grass this season. 

He loves nothing more than ripping the grass straight out of the ground to eat – turn your sound up to really hear him munching loudly! Here are five things he adores about spring and summer:

1. Fresh grass 

There is no tastier snack than fresh grass for a hippo – he eats it as fast as we grow it!

2. Wallowing outside / swimming outside 

Tapon has his own pool and loves to have a little swim around when its warm enough.

3. Sunshine on his back

Hippos enjoy sunbathing and have the ultimate protection - they secrete their own sun cream to protect their skin! It’s even pink! 

4. Snoozes in the sun 

Nothing nicer for a pygmy hippo than an afternoon nap in the sunshine.

5. Being outside in the fresh air 

Fresh air – our winters are pretty chilly so he spends most of the time inside in the warm. But when the sun shines, he loves to get outside. 

Visit the hippos at the Zoo